Why Consider Voluma XC

To date, Voluma XC remains the only FDA-approved filler that is proven to add noticeable volume to the regions in the middle of the face both safely and immediately. It is intended to work as a minor but effective face-lift, replacing lost facial volume that naturally results from aging. The injectable gel serves as a temporary replacement to lost volume, restoring a look of youth and rejuvenation. By replacing volume back into the cheeks first and foremost, a Voluma XC treatment by Dr. Senait Dyson is ensured to take years off your face.

Candidates for Voluma XC

Voluma XC is currently the most advanced filler in the market. It is most recommended for patients looking to restore lost volume localized in the mid-face region, including:
Patients with substantial volume lost in areas surrounding the cheeks.
Patients looking to replace lost facial volume around the nose and corners of the mouth (laugh lines).
Patients seeking a more clearly defined jaw line.
Patients who want an effective treatment that results in the least amount of facial swelling.
Schedule your consultation appointment with Dr. Dyson today, during which time you will be able to review together if Voluma XC is the right option for you on a face-to-face, personal level.

How it Works

Voluma XC works by replacing facial volume that has naturally been lost through the subsequent loss of hyaluronic acid in the body. Upon treatment, a pre-determined amount of Voluma XC will be carefully administered into the desired areas. Dr. Dyson will apply numbing cream to the site of injection before the procedure, to ensure that you are most comfortable and at ease throughout the process. She will then administer the injection of the cheek filler, re-volumizing your face with precision and accuracy to achieve natural but impactful results. The entire treatment will be complete within 30-45 minutes, after which time little to no downtime is required for recovery.

When Will You See Results

Depending on the patient, the cheek enhancement abilities of Voluma XC can have visible effects anywhere from 9 months to two years after a single treatment by Dr. Senait Dyson. Results will materialize almost immediately, and patients will be able to fully see the changes incurred by Voluma XC within two days. Minor bruising and swelling is not uncommon. Patients are advised to ice the affected areas in the days following treatment, but most of these effects will retreat almost entirely in the first day after the procedure.

What Makes Voluma XC Different

As previously mentioned, Voluma XC is the sole FDA-approved injectable filler that is intended to restore lost facial volume localized in the region in the middle of the patient’s face. Its unique ability to act as a natural, enhancing face-lift stems from its composition of both low and high molecular weight hyaluronic acid. And, because of this unique makeup, Voluma XC is able to more deeply infiltrate the skin while detracting a minimal amount of the body’s natural water, resulting in less swelling than other treatments. Most importantly, however, is Voluma XC’s ability to full integrate and metabolize with the body, serving as a biocompatible option to facial rejuvenation which has been proven beneficial for patients of all skin types and colors.

Why Choose Dr. Dyson for Cheek Enhancement

Like an artist carefully paints a masterpiece, Dr. Senait Dyson carefully performs each dermatological procedure she is entrusted to. Dr. Dyson is considered to be among the most highly-trusted and highly-trained doctors of the Tucson, Arizona and administration of Voluma XC is among her most exclusive specialties. And, as always, Dr. Dyson will meet with you before deciding on treatment to fully address any questions regarding the use of Voluma XC as a cheek enhancement.

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