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The signs of aging skin are clear: loss of youthful volume, leading to fine lines and wrinkles, sagging skin, and drooping in once clearly defined areas. However, patients who wish to fight the visible signs of aging may not yet be ready for the commitment a surgical procedure such as a traditional facelift would require. Patients who are seeking a minimally-invasive, more subtle approach to combating time and gravity have found Restylane to be safe and effective in restoring a youthful, radiant glow.
Naturally plentiful in youthful skin, a compound called hyaluronic acid (HA) binds moisture to the skin, maintaining fullness and elasticity. However, hyaluronic acid degrades as the skin ages and less replacement HA is produced, leading to reduced volume and diminishing the skin’s ability to “spring back.” This leads to the formation of lines, wrinkles, and folds, and the facial contours can become less defined as the skin starts to sag or droop.

Restylane is a hyaluronic acid dermal filler that seeks to replace lost HA with the same naturally occurring compounds found in the skin. When injected properly, it will immediately boost skin volume and with time, also increase the production of collagen and decrease the appearance of wrinkles, lines, and folds.

A Restylane procedure is minimally invasive and does not require downtime for recovery or general anesthesia; in fact, it is often done during a lunch hour, as patients can and do return immediately to their daily activities. After a consultation, one or two syringes of Restylane will be injected into the decided upon treatment areas by the dermatologist. There may be a few mild side effects such as swelling, bruising, or pain at the injection site, but these usually fade within a short period.
Results from Restylane will be immediately visible post-treatment, as it will increase the volume of the skin. Restylane will also continue to improve the appearance of the skin by working deep in the dermal layer; continuous improvement for up to four months post-treatment has been reported by many patients. Because Restylane is made up of the same HA that the body produces and then biodegrades, Restylane too will eventually be processed and disposed of by the body’s natural processes. Thus results may diminish and fade after a period of six months to two years post-treatment; many patients choose to discuss a maintenance program or follow-up treatments with their dermatologist to enhance and maintain their rejuvenating results.

If you are looking to restore your youthful visage in a minimally invasive way, contact Dyson Dermatology in Tucson, Arizona today for a consultation. Because the success of Restylane depends largely upon the technique of the injection provider, it is important to find the best and most experienced dermatologist possible. Dr. Senait Dyson is a well qualified and experienced dermatologist who can help guide you to the treatment that will provide you with optimal anti-aging results.

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